

Take a rest in the exclusive premises designed for intensive recreation. You can choose your preferred mode of relaxation in our haven of peace. From recreational swimming to fitness, or relaxing procedures and massages with professional masseurs. Even the sauna experience will turn into a fairy tale thanks to the amazing views of the dense forest. Live your fairy tale in our wellness centre.

Pool and whirlpool

A 15 x 4 m pool provides for sufficient room for recreational swimming. Afterwards, you can try the relaxing power of water during a water jet massage. 

Sauna world

The feeling of warmth has beneficial effects on your airways and muscular system and will surely recharge your batteries. Have you ever experienced a sauna with a perfect view?

Massages and treatments

Massage with perfect relaxation

Fitness and gym

Modern fitness equipment to exercise all parts of the body and a fully-equipped gym is not only for fitness enthusiasts and fans of active relaxation.

Outdoor sauna and whirlpool

Treat yourself with our private outdoor sauna and whirlpool located in the intimate ambience.


Thanks to our loyal customers for their favor.